Meeting Every Wednesday 6:30pm-8:00pm

A program for kids Preschool thru 2nd Grade.

Awana Cubbies & Sparks is for young girls and boys Preschool thru 2nd grade.  While the program is both fun and challenging for the young disciples, one of the reasons we chose this vehicle was due to its strong emphasis on memorizing God’s Word. We hear testimonies again and again of how the verses memorized in Awana impact lives many years down the journey.

Awana  (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed from II Timothy 2:15) 

Cubbies & Sparks – Girls and boys Preschool thru 2nd have three parts to their meetings:

  • Game time
  • Bible lesson
  • Memory verse recitation

Awana Cubbies & Sparks have uniforms, workbooks, and awards as part of the identity and ministry of each group. Awana provides a great foundation for future world-changers, so please stop by or contact us with any questions.

*For Girls in 3rd -12th Grade (ages 8-18) we have Pearls
*For Boys 3rd-12th Grade we have the exciting and popular Royal Rangers Club.